ARES TRANSMISSION & CONVEYOR SYSTEMS CO., LTD. er en af de kendte producenter, leverandører og eksportører af Transmissionskæder, med en fabrik i Taiwan. Med mange års erfaring i rækken af ​​lave, er vi kendt for vores fremragende præstation i branchen. Vi har hjulpet os selv som en af de førende mærke i Taiwan. Vi opgraderer løbende vores produkter til at opfylde de internationale standarder. Vi har et team af professionelle, som giver til tiden leverancer med høj quality.Our oprigtighed og hårdt arbejde har hjulpet os med at matche vores kvalitet med internationale standarder.


ARES TRANSMISSION & CONVEYOR SYSTEMS CO., LTD. is founded in 2000, known for a manufacturer of international standard transmission parts. Established an own brand, ARESTBUSH, in the same year, and became the first bushed-type transmission parts factory in Taiwan.

  • 2000 Start stocking standard product of bushed-type v-pulleys, bushes (GG25), and V-Belt, and turn over a new leaf for transmission parts business
  • 2001 Start stocking bushed-type sprockets (standard)
  • 2002 Pioneer for stocking all-type standard
  • stocking of bushes (S45C, SUS304, SUS316)
  • 2003 Stock bushed-type couplings (KC, RU type)
  • 2004 Self-produced bushed-type transmission parts
  • 2005 Sells standard gears, reducers, and gearbox
  • 2006 Stock more than 1000 tons of transmission parts (finished/ semi-manufactured product)
  • 2007 Found a second factory and sells HUBs, produce all-type of timing pulleys
  • 2009 Migrate to an industrial district (56.7acres), next to Yongkang Technology Park as manufacturing base
  • 2011 Starting up new transmission-parts production line, Lathe, Cantilever drilling machine, Germany SCHENCK dynamic equilibrium machine…… all type of new facilities. And mainly sells bushed-type pulleys, sprockets, and couplings (two-piece)……
  • 2017 Accomplish self-produce all bushed, QD, and LOCK type of transmission parts
  • 2019 Continue to add up new equipments. Current equipment: CNC vertical integrated processing machine, all sorts of lathe(Max process diameter 1500mm), Japanese Kashifuji thread rolling machine (Max process diameter 1200mm), milling machine, broaching machine, cantilever drilling machine, CNC slotting machine, CNC lathe(Max process diameter 650mm), German SCHENCK dynamic equilibrium machine
  • 2021 Install 8 dynamic equilibrium machine( correction limit: rotation rate rpm10000, weight 0.1KG-8tons, length 8M, diameter 6M), establish the most complete dynamic equilibrium OEM factory in Taiwan(from mechanical processing to final dynamic equilibrium)
  • 2022 Install Wire Electrical Discharge Machine(Wire EDM)
Vores oprigtighed og hårdt arbejde har hjulpet os med at matche kvaliteten af ​​vores


med internationale standarder. Ifølge de forskellige former for fremstilling krav, tilbyder vi perfekte tjenester til dig.